How to cancel a booking?
There are two options for cancelling bookings.
Full cancellation: all passengers in the bookings are canceled.
The steps are as follows for the full cancellation of the booking.
Step 1: Choose the travel date, order number, and type of cancellation, and then click on the search button.
The list of the bookings with the same order number and travel date will be listed as follows.
Step 2: SelectProceed to cancel. Click on Continue.
Partial cancelling Cancelation is done based on the number of passengers.
The steps are as follows for the full cancellation of the booking.
Step 1: Choose the travel date, order number, and type of cancellation, and then click on the search button.
The list of the bookings with the same order number and travel date will be listed as follows.
Step 2: Click on "Proceed" to cancel.
Step 3: Choose the cancelled number of seats and remove them, then click Continue.
The cancelled bookings are listed under the Cancelled bookings tab.
On clicking the Refund Button, the status of the booking changes to a refund.