Articles in this category How to set up food items in menurs? For setting up food items in the catalog the steps are as Follows How to add extra toppings to the food menu? It just takes only a few steps Go to How do you manage promotional code in Menurs? To create the promo code the step is as follows How do you manage the orders in your system? Order management is a dominant factor in a food ordering system. To make it easy we follow simple steps How do you set up regional settings for the restaurant? Go to>Settings>Regional settings>Enter all the data’s> Click on the Save button to update the data How do you manage the delivery areas? Map Settings How do you set up restaurant operating timings? Go to Settings> Store time settings>Enter the restaurant operating time on each day> Click on the save button to store data Can we add a new user/staff to this admin panel? Here admin can create users who can access the admin panel from this section. Go to Do you have finance report for a year? Yes we have, this report is generated between two ranges of dates The data includes