How to customize pizza in Pizza sw?
Step 1: Click on the pizza tab on the side menu.
Step 2: Click the "create pizza" button.
Step 3: Enter the pizza's name and its calories.
Step 4: Select the type, size, crust, cheese, extras, and enter the price of the pizza.
· By clicking on "Create pizza category" as shown below, you can create a new pizza type.
· Enter the pizza category name and its order.
· Choose your pizza size from the drop-down menu.
· Update the pizza size, name, price, and hierarchy.
· Select crust on the side menu.
· Update the crust name, price, and hierarchy.
· Select "extra" on the side menu.
· Update the extras' names, prices, and hierarchy.
· Select sauces on the side menu.
· Update the sauce name, price, and heirarchy.
Step 5: Enter the pizza's price.
Step 6: Include an image, a description, and the number of pizza toppings.